Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dyed Sheet

For my final project for 468-R Dyes, Paint, and Fabric Manipulation, I decided to dye a large sheet. I used tie-dye, accident dye, batik, and paint on the sheet.
First, I washed it.
Then I pleated it in preparation for tie-dyeing.
Then I ironed it. 
Then I folded it up
And put rubber bands on it.
Then crunched it up.
 Then I made a vat of boiling water.
To which I added salt.
 The dye I used:

 Then I pasted out the dye.

 Then I added it to the vat of boiling brine.
Then I put my fabric and in to soak for 15 minutes.

Then I pulled out the fabric.

In the meantime, I made up some accident dye.

 I added the dye to a little hot water to paste it out.

Then I added a little vinegar.

This is the result of the tie-dyeing after it was dyed, washed and dried.

I then took batik wax and painted it on top of the fabric.

While it dried, I moved on to the painting part.

And I made a crazy clock with 18 hours.

Then, I dropped and painted the orange accident dye on top of the batik wax.

When that was done, I painted more designs on the edges.

Then I ironed the sheet to set the dyes and paints. Then I washed and dried it. Voila! A dyed sheet!