Thursday, April 18, 2013

Green Corset

For my TMA 468 Period Clothing Construction class at BYU, I made this corset. It is based off of corsets made in the 1890s, but I naturally took many liberties. Corsets of this period normal have spoon busks, but I just used a straight busk. I also chose to make it out of green coutil, which would not have been common, but was sometimes used for those of the upper-classes. The lining is made out of green flannel, the boning is steel, and the corset is lined by pink ribbon. The embroideries are larger and more flamboyant than they would have been on a period corset, but this is because I intend this corset to be worn outside and not underneath other garments; I have no desire to condone the use of these Medieval torture devices for constricting the body, but am interested in their aesthetic appeal as outerwear, so long as it doesn't harm the wearer.

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